Last night after enjoying dinner with some girlfriends on the plaza, I was happily and loudly clopping up the stairs to the parking garage. Partially because I walk hard, partly to annoy my friend who had just made a comment about my loud ass shoes. I joked that I walked loud to avoid the "Where's Waldo" Attack Cat.*" (*real name not being used as a preventative in case Attack Cat Google's himself, finds my blog and reads that I am at work ALONE today and now PETRIFIED of him finding me here with no escape).
A few months ago, an old client had called leaving stalkerish messages for my boss. He was homeless. We knew he carried a knife, had just gotten out of jail for carrying a gun, had raped women in the past. Doors were locked! His picture was posted in the office (for all 4 of us to memorize) and family members who were retired cops had left all their friends know.
So as my warning above reads I am alone at work today. Doors locked and hiding. While I was joking last night I have now scarred myself into a tizzy about this A-hole, and it pisses me off! Why am I letting him control my feelings, my fears? I parked next to the building today, risking several tickets because it is 2 hour parking, when we normally park slightly farther away and walk. I have a note on the door for deliveries to be left outside. I won't leave unless I'm about to pee my pants. This is insane!
Find him soon please, so I can pee in peace and stop clomping up stairs.
3 days ago